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Stars of village fairs, pinizini are a real temptation, better if stuffed with a slice of zia ferrarese or salama da tai.
Hot, steaming and crispy, with a bubbly surface, pinzini are true Ferrara street food.
Pinizini are a simple fried dough made from flour, lard, sparkling water and salt. The lack of yeast makes the result crispy and crumbly: we dare you not to eat one without making breadcrumbs!
The reason why they have an elongated shape is that, this way, they can better trap the sausage inside. Clever, don't you think?
InFerrara's recipe
Tradition is not tradition if every family does not have its own recipe. This is ours.
1 kg flour
250 g cold whole milk
250 g cold sparkling water
20 g fine salt
lard for frying
Pour the flour and salt into a large bowl, stirring carefully. Then add the liquids (water and milk) and lard. Energetically knead all the ingredients and, once you have a smooth, homogeneous dough, leave it to rest in the refrigerator for about two hours. Take the dough and roll it out very thin with a rolling pin or pasta machine. Cut out rectangles and fry them in plenty of lard.
Once they are fried, place them on a serving plate with paper towels, add some good local salami, maybe some good wine... and lunch is served!