Ferrara's summer food

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Enjoy the summer like a real Ferrarese!

Summer is the perfect season to explore Ferrara's food and wine scene and discover the culinary delights this wonderful city has to offer. With the heat enveloping the air and the holidays approaching, immersing oneself in the taste of typical local dishes becomes a true sensorial journey.

The heat often urges us to shift up a gear and relax. And so eating habits adapt to this trend: jaunty, cold or lukewarm meals -often consisting of dishes that could serve as either an aperitif or dinner- to be enjoyed at home or while strolling in the open air. Between fresh ingredients and tasty recipes, are you curious to find out what people eat in summer in Ferrara?


The quintessential thirst-quenching food is the watermelon, cultivated over a good portion of the Ferrara territory. From the beginning of the 14th century until the mid-1500s, watermelon was part of the dishes served at the rich banquets of the Estense Court of Ferrara. Today, different varieties are cultivated in Ferrara to suit the different types of soil that make up the vast territory surrounding the city.

Rich in mineral salts, it helps to recharge and refresh after hot days: this makes it the perfect dish for summer afternoons and evenings.

And if eaten on its own after a while it tastes monotonous, our advice is to try incorporating it into your salads! It will add a touch of freshness that will amuse your palate.

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Let us move from one cucubitacea to another: the melon also reigns supreme among Ferrara's crops. With its sweet and fragrant pulp, it becomes the king of summer tables from aperitif to dessert. We can't wait for the orange season to arrive to indulge in refreshing combinations and preparations. Melon and Zia Ferrarese or Salama da Taglio. A special way of reproducing the classic melon and ham with local sausages in a completely local version. And for those who really want to exaggerate, our suggestion is to taste it paired with salama. At this time of year, the queen of Ferrara sausages will be mature enough to be sliced raw. Its 'spicy' and appetising flavour will create an interesting contrast that will surprise you!
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Have you ever heard of pasticcio ferrarese? A 'savoury pie' consisting of a sweet, golden pastry shell, filled with short pasta seasoned with meat sauce and béchamel, and flavoured with thin slivers of truffle and mushrooms. To hear it like that, it would seem to be a dish of complicated digestion whose 'texture' clashes with the idea of lightness we associate with summer food.

Yet shepherd's pie is a dish that can continue to be enjoyed and enjoyed even during the summer: perhaps not freshly baked and still steaming hot, but once chilled it makes an excellent packed lunch to take on trips out of town.

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It is eaten with the hands, accompanied by cured meats, and releases a unique, mouth-watering fragrance when you get it under your nose before biting into it. The pinzino is the Ferrara version of the Emilian gnocco fritto.

A perfect finger food to be enjoyed at any time of day, at home or out and about. A food not to be missed during your visit to Ferrara, especially in summer!

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