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Piazza Savonarola
Right next to the Estense Castle stands a small but charming square, a surprising glimpse between the grandeur of the Este residence and Corso Martiri della Libertà, which leads to the Cathedral and then to Piazza Trento e Trieste. You are in Piazza Savonarola and from here, peering under the arches that mark its boundary, you can glimpse the cobbled expanse of the wonderful Largo Castello.
Historical Notes
Piazza Savonarola is part of the medieval portion of the city. Over the centuries it has changed several names, until when, in 1862, a statue dedicated to the famous friar Girolamo Savonarola was placed here. The statue was made by Stefano Galletti in 1875 and depicts Savonarola standing in the act of preaching. Like all squares, the one dedicated to Savonarola has always been a place of commerce and exchange: even today, it is home to the Friday morning market, as well as a number of craft markets.
You may not know about...
A FERRARESE HERESY. Originally from Ferrara, Girolamo Savonarola became famous for his sermons and polemics against the corruption and decadence of the customs of the Church. With his vehemence, culture and strength of mind, Savonarola gained great political influence, along with a large and loyal following. But Savonarola was a true enemy to Pope Alexander VI Borgia and so he was tried and burnt alive in Florence in 1498 as a heretic. His ashes were scattered in the river Arno. Many paid homage to him and kept his memory alive until his beatification in 1997.
A SECRET STREET. Just behind the statue of Savonarola stretches the Via Coperta, a 57-metre-long building that was created to connect the ducal flats located in the Palazzo Ducale - today the Palazzo Municipale - with the Castello Estense. The first elevated passage, which consisted of a simple wooden scaffold, was built by Borso d'Este and was consolidated during the following ducats.