Coppia ferrarese
If you decide to visit Ferrara, passing by for a concert or for a few days, you will come across this characteristic bread with a curious shape: la coppia, the queen of the local table.
A classic cross-shaped bread, obtained from two rolls of dough, the "grustin", which join in the center to form a soft heart, "the mulinott".
A bread whose origins are lost between truth and legend. It is said that coppia was born as a tribute to one of the most famous historical figures of the city:
Lucrezia Borgia. Spouse of Alfonso I d’Este, Lucrezia arrived in Ferrara in 1502, beautiful and richly dressed, with her lovely face framed by long golden curls.
So the legend suggests that these curls inspired the shape of this typical bread. The two elongated ends has been added later in time.
Someone say it was Cristoforo da Messisbugo, the famous court cook, who offered the coppia to Duke Alfonso I d’Este during Carnival celebrations. Others say that this form of bread was presented by Messer Giglio on the occasion of a dinner organized by the Duke of Ferrara in 1536.
Enjoy it with a slice of typical salami - zia ferrarese - or simply as a snack! Coppia is definitely one of the “must eat” during your visit!